If you’re looking for the perfect Sunday dinner inspiration or any day of the week dinner inspiration, then I’ve got you covered. This dinner started out as me wanting to make rice and peas and then realizing I had ran out of parboiled rice! I typically only use parboiled rice for rice and peas because this type of rice draws a lot less moisture than Jasmine rice. Since I wasn’t willing to take any chances on my rice coming out too mushy or sticky, I decided to use my Jasmine rice and make yellow rice! The seasoning I like to use is called Bijol and it’s in an orange/yellow container. You may typically find this seasoning at a supermarket that has an ethnic/international section or you may purchase it from my Amazon storefront: ShopThatnursecancook! Check out this Youtube video for how I make my yellow rice:
I had already boiled the peas and as I stood in my kitchen thinking, “Now what do I do with these peas that I’ve already boiled?” I decided to just make beans as an accompaniment which I love! I guess you can say this was definitely inspired by Latin cuisine. Rice & beans are my favorite thing to have whenever I go to a latin restaurant. Check out this video on how I make it!
Lastly, the pepper steak is literally my favorite way to prepare a stovetop steak. I actually had two packs of thinly sliced chuck steak that actually looked like steaks you order at a restaurant. I decided to cut them up into chunks and make my own pepper steak! Check out this video for how I make it!
If you’re having trouble frying plantain, I remove all the mystery and break it down in a simple way. I also show you how to select the best plantain and how to fry it in this video!

Delicious! 😋